Wednesday, September 5, 2007


My ex-girlfriend has thrown all my stuff out of her house. I think its about time because I was kicked out of her abode nearly a year ago. It was cheaper than a storage spot, I must admit, but now I don't have anything. No TV, stereo, all those important things in life. Books...gone, records...gone, iceskates...gone.
I am not mad whatsoever...who can blame her? Call me crazy, but why would you throw out a nice tv, $2500 speakers and an old mac that still served its purpose? The only way that I found out about the demise of my personal belongings that have taken my lifetime to accumalate, was to go pay her a visit at her little house. She changed her number blocked my emails and I even JOINED MY SPACE to attempt to contact her. But she wasn't having it. So the only way to find out was to say hello, in person.
So when I was at her house we sat on her front porch and smoked cigarettes and I popped the question, "Do you still have my stuff?"
"Are you fucking kidding me!? That shit is gone. Threw it out last week."
I sat on the chair that I helped picked out for her and covered my eyes...but I really didn't care.

I had been drinking all afternoon (Labor Day) and had to piss. She wouldn't even let me in her house to use the bathroom, so i pissed in her front yard while her neighbors looked on in disgust, and she was fine with it.

So I am thinking that she didn't want me to go inside and see that my expensive stuff was still being used by her. I mean who would get rid of that shit when you could just use it like you did every day (She had a TV from like 1989, didnt even have those multi colored plugs to plug in a dvd player.)
These days I feel as light as a possesions to way me down. They say that possesions own you but these things were paid in full or stolen (books, thanks Peter,) so we can dismiss that theory. I have decided that I will travel the US by bus and stop in cities and get odd jobs to pay my way. Sounds romantic, I know...but you got to be romantic about something...just dont do it with girls.
PS: whoever reads this, give me ADVICE on how to retrive my stuff, if it still exists.

1 comment:

urn said...

Dress up like a ninja, rent a uhaul truck and some storage, and sneak that shit out when she is out partying??? Just don't get caught, but if you do you are really just stealing your own shit back, that defense will hold up in any court