Monday, September 10, 2007

contact the people that protect birds

Idea for a really short film:

shot 1: two hunters lying in the weeds, in the willows...guns cocked...lying next to each other...they are fine with this
shot 2: ducks and birds flying through a beautiful sky...slowly moving ,thier sounds are heard by no one but the hunters
Music: The Carpenters...(The great rock group) The song is called, "Close To You"
and the line goes:"why do birds, suddenly, appear..."
and the hunters pick off the birds one by one
editing must be done
shot 3: "close to you...." the song.... and the hunters remembered that they used to lie(?) so close to each other,
they are carrying the dead birds close to them (the hunters)
walking back to thier trucks
"thats why me (we?), they long to be, close to you"
They all think that song
is for fags
told me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pk is gay